This is a spoof of traditional Fairy Tales. There is Little Red Running Shorts, instead of Little Red Riding Hood. She beats the wolf to her grandmothers house. The Little Red Hen is trying to tell her story throughout the entire book, but no one will listen. Chicken Licken instead of Chicken Little appears as one of the first stories. He is running trying to tell everyone the sky is falling. He meets pretty much meets everyone that he does in the original, but Foxy Loxy doesn't eat him in the end. Another story that is spoofed is Cinderella, but instead it is a combination of Cinderella and Rumplestilskin. She can't go to the ball until she says his name, but he doesn't offer her a dress or carriage. She ends up staying with her stepmother and step-sisters. The Ugly Duckling doesn't turn into a swan, but stays ugly. Then there is the Stinky Cheese Man, which is a spoof of the Gingerbread Man. He runs around yelling "You can't catch me, I am the Stinky Cheese Man." The difference is no one wants to eat him.
I thought parts of the book were funny, and others were just disturbing. The ugly duckling was really ugly. I guess I like the traditional fairy tales or something close to them. If they had been a sequeal like the Frog Prince Continued, I might have liked them better.
Kelly Morrison
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